Family Harmony Energy Circle

I LOVE the idea of creating  Family Harmony Energy Circles.

I discussed a Family Harmony Energy Circle on one of my Talkcasts some time ago. You may find it worth listening to.

Click here to listen to Kat's
Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc. Talkcast
Episode 190 - Family Harmony Energy Circle

(Kat discusses using Switchwords to harmonize in relationships and introduces the Calming LOVE and Family Harmony Energy Circles. Kat discusses how you must be accepting of the past and where you are now before you can build the future that you want. The newly defined Switchword DISTILL discussed, along with a Switchwords KISS.)

Let us look at the components for creating a Family Harmony Energy Circle:

Blue is for relaxation and calming.
Pink is the color of LOVE.

Concentric Blue (outside) and Pink (inside) Flooded with Pink to create a Calming LOVE Energy Circle may be very helpful in creating family harmony.

All family names can be inserted into the Energy Circle, so all can send and receive the energy.

A great Switchphrase for creating Family Harmony may be:

(Improve interpersonal relationships by harmonizing with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

Add this Switchphrase to the Calming LOVE Energy Circle and voila, a Family Harmony Energy Circle.

Feel free to change up this Switchphrase, or add a couple of your own Switchphrases (three Switchphrases max in a single Energy Circle) to individualize it for you and your family.

Some Insight on the Switchwords DIVINE and TOGETHER

DIVINE-TOGETHER is a great prefix for any Switchphrase addressing a relationship between two or more people.

TOGETHER-DIVINE is a great prefix for any Switchphrase addressing one's relationship with oneself.

Some additional Switchwords that may be beneficial for an Energy Circle for your family situation may include:

CONTAIN----CANCEL-CLEAR-CONCEDE-CONFESS - to stop fights and aggression. CONTAIN stops current (negative sequence), then CANCEL dispels negativity, CLEAR dispels anger and resentment, CONCEDE stops the arguing and CONFESS stops aggression.

TRICKLE is to share
TINY is to be kind, courteous
SWEET is to be caring
SHOW is to give respect
LOVE is to generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance
MAGNANIMITY is to end pettiness and be generous
EMBRACE is to give and receive complete acceptance

Look for which of these Switchwords might be enhancing for your Family Relationships, and add them to the Energy Circle.

Click here to learn more about Energy Circles.
Click here to learn more about Switchwords.


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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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