Annual/Monthly Themes and Support

Many THANKS to all our friends who have helped US CREATE these Themes throughout the years, including Dawnalee Shields, Rhoda Randhawa, Manjiri Paranjpe, Stuti Singh, Dr. Bina Bakshi, Sarah Rigotti, Anusha Krishnaprasad and Girija Sridhar (please FORGIVE me if I left anyone out) .

Each year, we CHOOSE a Theme to GUIDE our collective journey, providing tailored support to KEEP US aligned WITH our goals. 

We have also chosen to set Monthly Themes. Monthly Themes further ENHANCE our focus, WITH resources designed to ENGAGE and inspire.

Let's work TOGETHER, sharing ideas and participating in activities to enrich our life experiences throughout the year.

Themes utilize Switchwords, Defusing Words, Flower Energies, Flower Energy Blends, Chants, Mantras, Meditations and/or Prayers, Gemstones/Crystals, Animal Wisdom, and Healing Numbers/Frequencies.

Annual Theme

Annual Theme 2025: Blossoming into Being
In blossoming, we focus ON PERSONAL growth and authenticity. Individuals are encouraged to bloom into their true selves through self-discovery and self-expression. Blooming also emphasizes healing and nurturing, utilizing the properties of flowers FOR emotional and spiritual recovery, fostering environments that support healing and growth. Blooming underscores the importance of connection and community, drawing parallels between the interdependence in a garden and human relationships, promoting activities that ENHANCE communal support and shared growth.

Creativity and expression are highlighted, WITH flowers inspiring artistic endeavors that aid in PERSONAL blossoming, while also incorporating themes of renewal and transformation, reflecting ON life's natural cycles of growth and CHANGE. Blossoming puts a focus ON sustainability and ecology, encouraging a deeper understanding of flowers' roles in nature, promoting actions that nurture both PERSONAL evolution and the health of the planet.


2025 Blossoming into Being Switchphrases
(Switchphrases given by Kat Miller)

Summary of Switchphrases: The 2025 Blossoming into Being Switchphrases promote a lifestyle of inner growth and resilience, being attuned to nature and oneself, fostering poise and confidence to navigate challenges WITH GRACE, and innovating amidst adversity. They focus ON nurturing NEW beginnings, activating potential, and detoxifying life from negative energies, ensuring continual growth and BALANCE. It also encourages a state of fulfillment and LOVE, integrating NEW knowledge and perspectives to ENHANCE PERSONAL connections, radiate LOVE, and FIND JOY through soulful centering. TOGETHER these principles GUIDE one toward a life of continuous self-improvement, emotional resilience, and heartfelt connection.

Be in touch with nature and yourself, maintaining poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance, remaining calm in the face of challenges, and sail through testing times, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy while forming innovation.

Encourage new growth and development, activate potential, flush away toxic energies, restore and balance the immune system, keep this going, build and produce it.

Give a sense of fulfillment, love and appreciation, incorporating new information, gaining new perspectives, generating, radiating, experiencing love and acceptance, connecting to your soul and centering in joy.


2025 Blossoming into Being Daily Switchphrases
(Use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired)
(given by Kat Miller)

Restore fairness and honesty, clear negativity and raise energy, transform thought into action, preserve and develop, open up to the world and share your Inner Beauty.

Bring into existence clearing inertia, being efficient, connect to you inner strength and capacity to tackle challenges head-on, and take purposeful steps toward your goals.

Step forward and begin, move from thought to action to achievement, get energized, expand beyond perceived limitations, step out of your comfort zone, spark creativity with unique innovative flair, be bold and move swiftly and with purpose.

BALANCE-REFLECT-Give Pause-Wisdom.
Experience uplifting feelings, catapult yourself to new heights and launch into new realms, create greatness beyond possibility, restore fairness and honesty, release negative perspectives, clear thinking pathways in the brain, and improve overall health.

Effortlessly move forward with ease and speed, push toward new horizons, new thinking and new routes, expand capacity to bring joyful abundance.

Let go of constrictions, release need to conform, reduce tension, relax, open up to the world, share your Inner Beauty, and allow people and life to simply flow.

Be in touch with nature and yourself, restore inner peace and contentment, expand consciousness and discovery, open more personal space and allow for relaxation.


Flower: Blue Iris
Blue Iris stands FOR faith, hope, Wisdom, and courage, resonating WITH themes of PERSONAL growth and transformation. Blue Iris is associated WITH positive energy, healing, and spiritual enlightenment aligning well WITH blossoming into one's true self. Blue Iris is hardy, adaptable, and thrives in various environments, reflecting resilience and the ability to flourish under NEW beginnings. Blue Iris helps fostering PERSONAL and communal growth. Blue Iris symbolizes the ongoing journey of self-discovery and the expression of one's true colors, making it a fitting emblem FOR a year focused ON PERSONAL evolution and realization.

Flower Energy Blend: Starlight Spectrum
Prayer: I AM Infinite Being
Gemstone/Crystal: Cassiterite
Cassiterite supports the 2025 Blossoming into Being Theme by offering grounding FOR growth, aiding in transformation, providing protection, and enhancing PERSONAL empowerment. It aligns WITH lower chakras to foster stability, creativity, and strength, encouraging individuals to manifest their true selves in 2025.

Animal Wisdom: Monkey
Monkey symbolizes curiosity, adaptability, intelligence, and JOY FOR the 2025 Blossoming into Being Theme, encouraging exploration, flexibility in growth, problem-solving, and the celebration of PERSONAL development through community and playfulness.

The number 9 relates to creation and the Creator; all numbers, including all elements of each; completion; generosity; idealism; spiritual healing; all allowing

Almond (Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis) - Inner Teacher/Guide
Bailey Flower Essence
Homeopathic Vibration Rate

Archangel Metatron
Sacred Codes

Annual Theme 2024: Humanity's Grand Awakening
In all the Universe, in all Heaven and Earth, there is nothing greater than awareness. Awakening to awareness is experiencing the peace of being in the present moment, the joy of a loving heart, the excitement of discovering the mystery of life, the freedom of letting go, the realization of your true nature.

Awakening allows one to confront one's own mind, attachment to comfortable habits and patterns, resistance to change, the struggle with ego, for shedding of previous false beliefs about self and reality. Awakening brings the challenge of taking full responsibility for oneself, giving the ability to release resistance to accepting truths that destroy one's previous worldview, allowing one to recognize and become who they really are.

Awareness cannot be heard, touched, seen or tasted. Awareness is witnessing your thoughts, judgments, feelings, sights, etc, but is not thoughts, judgments, feelings, sights, etc.


2024 Humanity's Grand Awakening Switchphrases
(Switchphrases defined by Kat Miller)

Trust the unknown to be defined, take joy in discovery, increase resilience, adaptability and improve executive function, happily content, feel calm and comforted, defuse negative emotions, open up to the world, share your Inner Beauty, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.
(Given by Stuti Singh)

Free the mind, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, be successful, dispel darkness, glow with warmth and light with new, burgeoning growth and development.
(Given by Rhoda Randhawa)

Clarify things, look to the future, increase awareness, notice subtle differences, see new perspectives, find direction, calm down and simplify things.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)


2024 Humanity's Grand Awakening Daily Switchphrases
(Use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired):

Enjoy whatever you are doing, really enjoy it, move forward with ease, joy, happiness and strength in every area of your life, transforming from seeing life as a mundane daily drudge to soaring to new heights and gaining a wider perspective, feel your beauty, self-worth, confidence and purpose.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Brighten the day, create excellence, simply take the inspired action now, stepping into your decision and supporting it, be brave, courageous and strong, master your fate and feel joy.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Connect to your soul and center in joy, seize the day, the moment, and BE in the NOW, live in the moment, give and receive joy, make significant modifications, bring it forth.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Experience uplifting feelings, catapult yourself to new heights and launch into new realms, create greatness beyond possibility, restore fairness and honesty, release negative perspectives, clear thinking pathways in the brain, and improve overall health.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Mea Culpa-OIL-RELEASE-JUDGE-FATHOM-Adamas Diamond.
Acknowledge that you are human, can make mistakes, but also have the spirit, ability, wherewithal and power to make things right again, release tension and resistance, stop trying to control, increase comprehension, develop deeper comprehension, grasping on multiple levels, get clarity with a strong focus for flourishing under pressure.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Bring new beginnings, new ideas, new hope, feel joy, let go of and defuse negative emotions, take pause, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Bring into existence enchanting, thrilling and exciting new beginnings, brighten the day, brighten the day, feel joy, connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
(Given by Stuti Singh)


Flower: Lotus
Flower Energy Blend: Grand Awakening
Prayer: Reawakening Divine Awareness
Gemstone/Crystal: Danburite
Animal Wisdom: Phoenix

CLEAR communication lines WITH Source Helps in clearing and opening communication lines WITH Source, opening you to listening, hearing and understanding more completely communication coming from Source.
Blue Iris Number

96 91 771
or strength to hold your vibration high as those who have lower vibration around you lash out and `test` you
Divine Healing Codes

Monthly Themes

Theme: APLOMB (The Switchword APLOMB maintain poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance; remain calm in the face of challenges; remain composed and assured, even when confronted with difficult or stressful circumstances; void embarrassing situations; sail through testing times; keep your balance and stay upright; easily navigate the complexities of life; ease on and be your awesome self)

As the NEW Year begins, APLOMB helps in maintaining poise, confidence, composure, and self-assurance, particularly when under stress. APLOMB helps MAINTAIN CALM, navigate challenges WITH GRACE, avoid embarrassment, and STAY true to one's values, ensuring they handle life's complexities WITH EASE and authenticity.


Bring transformation in perspectives and situations toward well-being and peace, let go of inflammatory thoughts about yourself and others, reconnect with joyful memories, clear negativity and raise energy, nourish ambition, build and produce.
Given by Rhoda Randhawa

Maintain balance, connect to your soul and center in joy, stabilize things, reconnect to your core being and get grounded.
Given by Kat Miller

Maintain poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance, stand out while still fitting in, be solid and strong, effortlessly move forward with ease and speed, pushing toward new horizons, new thinking and new routes.
Given by Kat Miller

Flower: Carnation
Carnation, especially in its white form, symbolizes LOVE, fascination, and distinction, but it also has connotations of purity and NEW beginnings, which ALIGN well WITH January's themes of starting afresh and setting NEW intentions. Carnations are hardy flowers, often blooming in colder months, symbolizing endurance and the ability to thrive through adversity, much like the spirit of NEW beginnings and resolutions in January.

Flower Energy Blend:  Valley of Vitality
Prayer: Forgiveness Prayer
Gemstone/Crystal:  Amethyst
Amethyst promotes calmness, spiritual awareness, and intuition, perfectly aligning WITH January's APLOMB Theme by fostering confidence, clarity, and resilience as one navigates NEW beginnings WITH poise.

Animal Wisdom:  Owl
The Owl symbolizes wisdom, foresight, and silent strength for January's APLOMB Theme, guiding individuals towards confident, intuitive decision-making and resilience in the face of new beginnings.

Blue Iris Number:  
Stress Calming
Clear negative energy, release stresses, protect from other people's negative energy and radiate love.

Divine Healing Codes:  
13 31 989
Dragon Attunement
Dragon Attunement offers empowerment, protection, and success by enhancing personal charisma and influence, boosting intuition, and safeguarding against negative forces like trickery, slander, and black magic. It aids in overcoming career and financial challenges, promoting professional growth, and protecting against theft and slander. This attunement fosters family harmony, boosts self-esteem, and can lead to business success, thereby enriching both personal and professional aspects of life.

Theme: BEAM (the Switchword BEAM means bring sunshine; stop raining; brighten)
BEAM is about bringing sunshine and stopping the rain, which can BE particularly poignant given the often gloomy weather during February. BEAM serves as a reminder to seek out or create moments of LIGHT and positivity, helping combat the seasonal blues by encouraging mood enhancement through community events like LIGHT festivals, PERSONAL practices like Gratitude and mindfulness, or even literal actions like brightening living spaces WITH more natural LIGHT or VIBRANT colors. BEAM embodies the transition toward spring, fostering a SENSE of hope and anticipation FOR brighter days, both in terms of actual sunlight and metaphorical opportunities FOR PERSONAL growth and community rejuvenation.


Gradually increase opening to new experiences, individuals, ideas, and opportunities, foster a spirit of hospitality and warmth, raise your vibration, feel magnificent, feel magnificent and radiate warmth and light.
Given by Kat Miller

Get inspiration, learning, and seeing light magic in your own life and the lives of those around you, enjoy whatever you are doing, and feel refreshed, bring sunshine and brighten things.
Given by Kat Miller

Glow with warmth and light, dispel anger and resentment, dispel the blues, be in high spirits, increase personal ability to work miracles.
Given by Kat Miller

Flower: Violet
Violet is often linked with LOVE and faithfulness, qualities celebrated during Valentine's Day, which falls in February. Violets can signify early spring, representing modesty, virtue, and the subtle, yet emerging beauty as the world begins to awaken from winter. The flower's delicate nature also echoes the TENDER growth of relationships and the PERSONAL growth that can occur during this time of year.

Flower Energy Blend: SPARK of Inspiration

Mantra: Shiva Sooktam
Gemstone/Crystal: Citrine
Citrine is the quintessential CRYSTAL FOR February's BEAM Theme, radiating the energy of the sun to BRING LIGHT and warmth into the often chilly, gloomy days. Its VIBRANT energy is known to dispel negative vibes, ENHANCE mood, and foster an atmosphere of JOY and optimism, which is crucial FOR battling seasonal blues. By promoting vitality, creativity, and PERSONAL empowerment, Citrine encourages individuals to seek out or CREATE moments of positivity, aligning WITH the February Theme's AIM to inspire hope, motivation, and the anticipation of brighter days. This crystal's association WITH abundance and success further supports a focus ON PERSONAL growth and the transition toward a prosperous, light-filled spring.

Animal Wisdom: Firefly
Firefly symbolizes inner light, hope in darkness, MAGIC, and community, perfectly capturing the essence of bringing positivity and LIGHT during February's gloom.

Blue Iris Number
Create a cozy space, allowing positive energy to flow and attracting positive energies.

Sacred Codes:
Live the present moment
We must never lose hope, for God can change our luck in a split second. The universe can at the last minute, but always on time. Live in the present is the key. As usual we tend to be in the past or in the future. Through this code we anchor at the moment, leaving the head and plunging into the world of senses.

Theme:  GERMINATE (The Switchword GERMINATE means begin the creative process; activate potential; nurture new ventures or relationships; encourage new growth and development; experience the miracle of lie; create new life)

GERMINATE encapsulates the essence of NEW beginnings, urging individuals to start NEW projects or relationships, activate PERSONAL potential through learning and exploration, and nurture growth in both PERSONAL and communal contexts. GERMINATE is a call to appreciate the MIRACLE of life in its many forms, whether through celebrating NEW life, insights, or innovations, and to actively CREATE NEW life in art, culture, or ideas. GERMINATE resonates WITH spring's natural cycle of renewal, fostering an environment where growth, development, and the JOY of creation are encouraged and celebrated.


Open possibilities for new growth, take purposeful, mindful actions today for tomorrow's manifestations, activate potential, encourage new growth and development, discover and grow, find direction and decide.
Given by Manjiri Paranjpe

Have courage, be bold, promote opening up to the world and sharing your Inner Beauty, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
Given by Manjiri Paranjpe

Replenish-Carpe Diem-Dewdrop-DANCE.
Increase resilience, adaptability and improve executive function, seize the day, the moment, and be in the now, live in the moment, defuse negative emotions and feel joy.
Given by Manjiri Paranjpe

Flower: Daffodil
Daffodil symbolizes NEW beginnings, hope, and rebirth, perfectly aligning WITH the revival and freshness that March embodies. March is when Daffodils are in bloom, representing the END of winter and the JOY of spring. They bring a SENSE of JOY, vitality, and optimism, which are all energies conducive to starting anew.

Flower Energy Blend:   Spring Renewal
Prayer: Mother Azna's Prayer Song
Gemstone/Crystal:  Green Aventurine
Animal Wisdom: Turtle
Turtles embody patience and persistence, qualities essential for nurturing new ventures. They teach us about the slow but steady growth, reminding us that development takes time.


Archangel Nathaniel (gift of God)
'I specialize in making short-term changes, especially in regard to your life missions. Many are stuck, confused, living in places with toxic people who steal their energy, and no money to make profound changes. My name means gift from God and I am one who comes to help you change drastically and quickly. Perhaps my behavior and my energy shake you, but it's time that you locate your true place and let your talents shine.'

Obtain the necessary vigor and ability to get out of your comfort zone and face new horizons. To many this may seem scary, frightening because of the unknown.
Sacred Codes

New beginnings, expansion. Manifest ample supply and abundance. Trust that all is moving in Divine Order. Closing of one door allows for opening of another. As you see things ending, allow them to leave and you shall soon begin to see new things starting. Now is the time to shift thoughts, actions and efforts to pursue your true desires, wishes and goals.
Angel Number

Theme:  BUZZ (The Switchword BUZZ means kick it into high gear; accomplish task at hand quickly and efficiently)
The April Theme of BUZZ encourages individuals and teams to operate at peak performance, focusing ON quick, efficient and effective task completion. It is about harnessing one's energy, motivation, and strategic planning to achieve more in less time, applicable across various domains from PERSONAL productivity to business operations and even event promotion. The BUZZ Theme aligns WITH broader concepts of productivity versus busywork, emphasizing the value of focused, goal-oriented activity beyond mere activity FOR the sake of appearing busy.


Quiet the ego, clarify the situation, restore fairness and honesty, find what you are looking for, trust the unknown to be defined and take joy in discovery.
Given by Rhoda Randhawa

Focus on creating and building something new, craft your life and personal growth, nourish ambition, build and produce, soften the heart, be warm and accepting, dispel hypersensitivity.
Given by Rhoda Randhawa

Simplify complexities, brighten things, overcome adversity, master your fate, begin and progress.
Given by Rhoda Randhawa

Flower: Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley blooms in spring, symbolizing the return of happiness, hope, and sweetness. Its association with happiness and joy can boost morale, fostering a productive atmosphere. Lily of the Valley helps in spiritual cleansing, which aids in achieving mental clarity, essential for efficient task completion. It encourages starting anew each day WITH vigor, aligning WITH the focus ON productivity. Its protective energy helps in reducing stress, promoting a CALM and focused work environment, while its connection to LOVE and relationships can ENHANCE team dynamics, leading to smoother, more effective collaboration.

Flower Energy Blend:   Inspire and Achieve
Uses: FOR fostering an environment where tasks are approached WITH vigor, clarity, resilience, and a positive, inspired mindset, ultimately leading to efficient and quick accomplishment of goals. It supports efficient task accomplishment, PERSONAL growth, stress management, and creative endeavors by providing a harmonious, energized, and inspired atmosphere.

Chant/Mantra/Meditation/Prayer: DNA Transformation Journey
Gemstone/Crystal:  Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye boosts vitality, enhances willpower, and promotes mental clarity, aiding in balancing energy and grounding emotions.

Animal Wisdom: Cheetah<br/.Cheetah teaches us about speed, precision, patience, and living in the moment, urging us to use our energy wisely, adapt quickly, and trust our instincts.


Solfeggio Frequency
963 Hz
(Awakening Intuition): Enhances intuition and connects with the divine, potentially aiding in quickly identifying the most effective paths to task completion.

Angel Number
Represents abundance, achievement, and success through hard work. It aligns with the goal of accomplishing tasks efficiently and effectively, emphasizing productivity over busy work.

Blue Iris Number
Gate of Acceptance of Change

Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting

Gate of Acceptance of Change is the threshold or moment where change is not just acknowledged but embraced across different dimensions of life. Personally, it represents the opening to new perspectives and ways of living, fostering growth. In society, it's the transition from outdated practices to more inclusive or sustainable ones. Spiritually, it signifies a shift in consciousness, embracing change for enlightenment or peace. For businesses or institutions, it is about adopting innovations or new strategies to evolve with or ahead of market demands.

Ultimately, the Gate of Acceptance of Change symbolizes the active choice to engage with change, seeing it as a pathway to transformation and betterment.

Theme:  SUNRISE (The Switchword SUNRISE means dispel darkness; glow with warmth and light; new, burgeoning growth and development)
The May Monthly Theme of SUNRISE encapsulates the essence of renewal and enlightenment and dispelling of darkness, both literal and metaphorical, in one's life. It encourages US to glow WITH warmth and LIGHT, promoting a SENSE of comfort, hope, and positivity that we can radiate outwardly. The May SUNRISE Theme also highlights NEW beginnings, fostering an environment ripe for PERSONAL growth, development, and the nurturing of NEW ideas and projects. It invites US to EMBRACE each day WITH optimism, focus ON PERSONAL transformation, and share this journey of LIGHT and growth within our communities, enhancing our collective experience of renewal and progress.


Increase personal ability to work miracles, stimulate, clarify things, look to the future, bring transformation in perspectives and situations toward well-being and peace, infuse positivity into dull or challenging situations, unite with feeling relaxed, see methods for creating tranquility, stability, and bring order and appropriate action.
Given by Rhoda Randhawa

Inner Being-LIGHT-UP-RUBBER-CORE-Serendipity.
Calm your Inner Child, get clarity, calm, and a spiritual understanding, allow for a more reflective decision-making process, lighten the load, mood and stress, be inspired, be in high spirits, bring stability and control, remain resilient, adaptable, flexible, and grounded, trust your instincts, embrace simplicity, open to seeing beyond the current focus, opening blind spots, making connections and forming new bridges of thought, bringing pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected.
Given by Manjiri Paranjpe

Clear negativity and raise energy, nourish ambition, build and produce, reflect light, immerse in be in the creative flow, expand consciousness and discovery.
Given by Manjiri Paranjpe

Flower: Hibiscus
Flower Energy Blend:  SUNRISE Renewal
Uses: This blend works to dispel emotional and spiritual darkness, radiate warmth and LIGHT, and encourage NEW beginnings, embodying the essence of renewal and growth. It can BE used to focus ON self-love and PERSONAL development, and to foster community Harmony and growth. It serves as a powerful ally FOR enhancing the themes of LIGHT, LOVE, and NEW growth.

Meditation: I CHOOSE JOY

Gemstone/Crystal: Sunstone
Sunstone has a radiant sun-like appearance helps in dispelling darkness by lifting negative moods, promoting inner warmth, and encouraging individuals to radiate positivity. Sunstone supports NEW beginnings, PERSONAL empowerment, renewal, growth, and development. Use Sunstone to foster PERSONAL transformation and communal Harmony.

Animal Wisdom:   Lion
As the king of the jungle, the Lion embodies leadership, courage, and the rising of the sun. Lion can inspire PERSONAL empowerment, the courage to step into NEW beginnings, and the strength to dispel any form of darkness WITH its regal LIGHT. Lion teaches US to lead WITH confidence and to share our warmth and LIGHT WITH others.


Sunlight (Pure White)
Useful for lively, sensitive types who need the sunshine to feel fully alive, who become depressed in the dark, cloudy days of winter and brighten up in the spring. They can also predict storms coming because they invariably get a headache.
Homeopathic Vibration Rate

Angel Number 863 urges you toward a balanced life where material and spiritual success coexist harmoniously. It brings divine support for your personal growth, encouraging you to pursue your ambitions with integrity, foster nurturing relationships, and embrace creativity for self-expression. It suggests you are on the right path, prompts you to reflect on your life's balance, make ethical choices in your career, and invest in your spiritual journey, all while trusting that your efforts are backed by the Universe and your guardian angels.
Angel Number

Release Fear of Life
How many people have a fear of life, of enjoying life, and of making the most of life?
Blue Iris Number

Theme:  EASE (The Switchword EASE means to simplify the task at hand; unleash yourself; calm down)
As we approach the HALFWAY mark each year, let US simplify things as we FLOW through the month and then into the second half of the year. Every day TAKE a few moments to breathe deeply, CALM DOWN, and simply BE. Know that everything will complete in its PERFECT time.  In the face of complexity, taking time to break things into smaller more manageable parts, making SLOW and STEADY progress brings faster more enduring rewards.

Start taking action, step forward and begin, release old pains, be empowered, form innovation, attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete, unstoppable invention, restoration, invigoration, act on good impulse now.

Release guilt and blame, come together with and center in joy, be quiet and pay close attention to what you are hearing.

Flower: Chlorella
Flower Energy Blend:   VIBRANT EASE
Prayer: Total Energy Clearing Decree
Gemstone/Crystal:  Rhodochrosite
Animal Wisdom: Cichlid


Homeopathic Vibration Rate

147 MHz
Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense is highly versatile in uses and benefits. Frankincense helps build and maintain a healthy immune system, promotes cellular health and reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Fresh, woody, balsamic, fruity and slightly spicy, frankincense essential oil is said to have a centering effect on the emotions and has been traditionally used for meditation and spiritual growth. The oil is relaxing and great for mature skin.

Frankincense is known for purification as well as exorcism. Frankincense is reported to remove negative influences in the body, aura, psychic and environment. Frankincense works well diffused in a room.

One drop of the essential oil of frankincense rubbed into your big toe every night is a natural remedy to prevent seizures in both humans and dogs.

Theme:  Harmony (The Defusing Word Harmony is for defusing discord, cacophony, and conflict. In Harmony there is comfort and calming. Harmony helps us to accept contrasting elements, and recognize the beauty in contrast. Harmony helps us let go of discord and conflict, and allow people and life to simply flow.)

As we MOVE forward into the second half of the year, let US CREATE Harmony in all our relationships, not only WITH the people in our lives, but also in our daily experiences. When we feel discomfort in a situation or experience, let's TAKE a few minutes to look at it, evaluate how we can CHANGE our view to BRING more Harmony to it, and BEGIN responding (WAIT until the emotional charge is GONE before taking action) rather than reacting (taking action in the heat of the moment, which moves US away from, rather than toward, our goals). Let US actively seek Harmony in our lives.

Release guilt and blame, defuse and release need to push against your strengths, create harmony of purpose, defuse ego?s need to allow only one way to create desired outcomes, relinquish need to control

Discover ways of creating prosperity and harmony, support harmonizing well with and immersing in feeling the world with love and filling the world with love.

Flower: Dogwood
Flower Energy Blend:   DEEP Harmony
Prayer: Prayer FOR Harmony
Gemstone/Crystal:  Poppy Jasper
Animal Wisdom: Desert Lynx


65 62 792
for harmony, forgiveness and resolution after conflict with others
Divine Healing Codes

Theme:  BE (The Switchword BE means be at peace and maintain wellness; have good form; dispel loneliness; skill, especially in sports; to be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy)

BE may BE one of the most useful Switchwords. So often our actions are driven by what we think others will think about US. Will someone laugh at US? Will they BE pleased by our actions? What DO they want US to DO. In fact, oftentimes we are so concerned about other people and what they think of US that we forget to think of what we ourselves want, what we think.

One problem with this kind of thinking is that we really don't know what others think of US, and we are creating a story in our minds about them, and reacting to it!

BE helps one to let GO of that kind of thinking, to BE unaffected by what others think, by ridicule, negative or contrary energy. BE can BE used by itself and also can BE a great suffix to a Switchphrase. I have found that chanting BE-BE-BE-BE-BE... can also BE very healing. When a child is crying inconsolably, try chanting BE-BE-BE-BE-BE... and see what happens.

Complete alignment with enduring rewards and abundance, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Improve self-expression, be a strong presence, increase self-worth, self-love, confidence, raise expectations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Be in peace and wellness, in good health, skilled, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Flower: Self-Heal
Flower Energy Blend:  I AM BE
Chant/Mantra/Meditation/Prayer: I AM BE
Gemstone/Crystal:  Vanadinite
Animal Wisdom: Dragonfly


Develop self-confidence
Sacred Code

Theme:  DIVINE (The Switchword DIVINE means work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment; increase personal ability)

Let's CREATE a heavenly month, generating excellence everywhere we GO and making this month the month of miracles.

Open up extraordinary mental and psychic power, show the way to generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, create stability, create a neutral zone, turn setbacks into uplifts, and find a right answer.

Become a good orator, increase personal ability, feel satisfied.

Increase and add to personal ability to safely move rapidly ahead.

Flower: Diamond
Flower Energy Blend: DIVINE
Prayer: Manifestation Prayer
Gemstone/Crystal:  Sunstone
Animal Wisdom: Cuckoo

Angel Number:  

It is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose to attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use positive affirmations and maintain an optimistic attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path. Trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels and take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires.

Find personal success and fulfillment in your endeavors. Keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-set focused upon your spirituality and your Divine life purpose, as you create your own reality. Engage in creative and positive endeavors and activities. Use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance from the angels and your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and providing guidance. Trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone toward your true desires and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Theme:  WITH Gratitude (The Switchphrase WITH-Gratitude means harmonize well with acknowledgment, recognition and appreciation for what you have.)

NOW is a splendid time to immerse in recognizing and reflecting ON the blessings we have in our lives. Let's turn our thoughts to what's good in our lives, to ALLOW FOR expansion of the positive energies we experience.

If it has been difficult to FIND the blessings in your life, look to nature, to the beautiful things in this world. They may not BE yours, but you can appreciate that things are a part of your experience. Try arising early in the morning and feeling the crispness of the DAWN. ALLOW yourself to Connect WITH Mother Earth and feel the MIRACLE that is life.


Nurture and heal, be beautiful, stop being critical, and master your ability to feel gratitude and appreciation.

Stay on target, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity, become satiated.

Flower: Baby Blue Eyes

Flower Energy Blend:   WITH Gratitude

Prayer: Spiritual Cleansing Prayer

Mantra: Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (To destroy all the inauspiciousness of the age of Kali.)

Gemstone/Crystal:  Hessonite

Animal Wisdom: Crow

Sacred Codes:  

Divine Healing Codes:
86 12 547
to be filled with appreciation and see all miracles for what they are -- a gift that is from Heaven

Theme:  BLESSED (The Switchword BLESSED is to increase vibrational level; feel peace; feel gratitude and appreciation.)

When we feel BLESSED we OPEN ourselves to receiving more blessings. This month let's TAKE a few minutes every day to look at all the blessings in our lives, allowing them to expand.


Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, merge with information beyond human comprehension, feel abundance, open to share, bring order and appropriate action, see methods for creating tranquility, stability and order, be in peace and maintain wellness.

Increase vibrational level, feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, be at peace and maintain wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, harmonize well with others, immerse in working miracles, increase personal ability to be in the present moment, gather serenity and strength and create supportive impact.

Increase vibrational level, feel good, feel joy now.

Flower: Tomato
Flower Energy Blend: BLESSED
A Kat Composition: I AM BLESSED
Gemstone/Crystal: Turquoise
Animal Wisdom: Flamingo

Angel Number:

Balance your spiritual life and practices with the material, monetary and physical worlds, to increase the flow of material abundance, inner-peace and joy in your life. You are blessed and grateful for the abundance in your life. Listen to and take heed of your intuition for rewards and accolades. Share your good fortunes with others, for as you sow, so shall you reap.

Blue Iris Number:

Pushan Mudra (Acceptance Mudra, Gesture of Digestion)(Pushan means well-being, breadwinner)

Mudra Formation: Pushan Mudra is formed with a different gesture by each hand.

With the right hand join the tips of the index and middle fingers to the tip of the thumb. The ring and little fingers remain outstretched, the palm facing up.

With the left hand join the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the tip of the thumb. The index and pinkie fingers remain outstretched, the palm facing up.

Mudra Effects: Pushan Mudra is associated with the stomach, liver, and gallbladder can help relieve nausea, flatulence, and the aftereffects of rich meals. Pushan Mudra also can help relieve gas, bloating and constipation.

Pushan Mudra can be useful when emotionally and mentally, we experience change and need extra help to better digest life. Pushan Mudra helps you to simply and easily move through transitions on all levels of being.

Without acceptance of what is, including accepting ourselves as we are, things can't change. However, when we mentally accept whatever happens, including embracing ourselves as we are, changes in ourselves and the world around us will automatically happen.

Pushan Mudra helps one to accept life situations as they are, which helps lead us to forgiveness. Pushan Mudra helps remove ignorance, darkness, negative thought patterns and unwanted energies, allowing wisdom to shine through.

Mudras are positions of the body that have influence on our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality. Mudras not only contribute to one’s overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well.

Mostly the hands and fingers are held in specific positions, but other body parts and/or the whole body may be part of the Mudra as well.

This number carries the energy of the Mudra performed for the optimal period of time for the intended application. Generally, most Mudras are performed for a minimum of 15 minutes apiece.

Theme:  JOY (The Switchword JOY is to give and receive joy; increase bliss)
This month let's ALLOW ourselves to BE in a space of great delight, happiness, keen pleasure, simply live and BE in JOY.

Create balance, make available connection to your soul and center in joy.

Be totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing, give and receive joy.

Make available, give and receive joy, transform thought into action, act on good impulse now, place focus on positive aspects.

Flower: Zinia
Flower Energy Blend:  Bubbling Brook
Meditation: I CHOOSE JOY
Gemstone/Crystal: Pearl
Animal Wisdom:   Butterfly

Homeopathic Vibration Rate:  

Blue Iris Number:  
Living in JOY
To let one see the JOY of life.



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(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.