Gemstone/Crystal Support A-F

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Following is a list of select Gemstones and Crystals, imbalances addressed by them, positive qualities enhanced by them and Switchphrases to help address the imbalances and enhance the positive qualities of the Gemstones and Crystals.

Gemstone/Crystal: Agate

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Balancing yin/yang energies
Enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Align energies,be bold and courageous, increase personal strengths, reduce tension, heal and be in peace and wellness.

Gemstone/Crystal: Amazonite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Improves self worth.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase ability to feel self-worth, self-trust, self-love; find the way.

Gemstone/Crystal: Amber

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Lift heaviness.
Amber is great at lifting the heaviness of burdens—allowing happiness to come through.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Adjust to deal with discomforts, lighten your load and be in high spirits.

Gemstone/Crystal: Amethyst

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enhances meditation.
Spiritual Upliftment.
Calms and focuses overactive mind.
Deepens understanding of underlying issues.
Soothes and eases emotional exhaustion.
Eases addictions and addictive traits within personality.
Wide spectrum of healing energies.
Neutralizes pain.
This is also the present carrier of the purple color ray.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Be a good orator, keep the secrets of your soul, release anger and resentment, help others, release tension, dispel anxiety, end aggression and dispel emotional and physical pain.

Gemstone/Crystal: Angelite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Used for conscious connection to Angelic Realms.
Brings inner peace, tranquility, calm and focus to highest realms of heavenly light.
Combats fear of speaking the truth.
Enhances kindness and gives social consciousness and emotional depth. Instills wisdom and counteracts cruelty and brutality.
Unblocks meridians and swiftly clears any energy blockages.
Teaches acceptance of self.
Grounds you in the present moment.
Allows you to release all that no longer serves your higher good.
Enhances telepathy skills allows interaction at higher emotional levels.
Balances thyroid.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Look to the future, be inspired toward health and peace, take responsibility for your life, progress, be courteous, dispel arrogance, be caring and release anger and resentment.

Gemstone/Crystal: Apatite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Wear this stone when there has been a misunderstanding.
It is also helpful for fighting viruses.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Dispel anger, be a good orator, eliminate remorse, end pettiness, be at peace and in good health, and unaffected by ridicule.

Gemstone/Crystal: Aquamarine

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Protection from devil, dream about aquamarine meet new friends.
Gives freedom from impressions and influence of others.
Filters out discordant and conflicting energies.
Enhance communication with angels also enhance psychic skills.
Calms and Focuses the mind.
Soothes emotions.
Sharpens intellect.
Clarifies perception.
Helps identify underlying behavior patterns that need to be released to move
forward in life.
Releases energy blocks.
Alleviates grief and sorrow.
Remind one of the ocean of love and mercy.
Helps one understand difficult situations from a love-filled viewpoint.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Avoid carelessness, dispel evil, purify, stop being critical and maintain protection.

Gemstone/Crystal: Azeztulite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Brings about shifts in consciousness as well as interdimensional travel.
Activates ascension points.
Causes quantum leap in mental processes (Note:  Should only be used after completion of cleansing of mental body, deprogramming self of mental clutter, energetic implants, past life & ancestral miasms.)
Dissolves negative emotional when you feel the time is right for your ascension into cosmic awareness and enlightenment.
Brings light and healing energy to ever cell in the body.
Used for physical ailment that requires structured repatterning of the body.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Stop negativity, clear resentment and anger, stop aggression and stop arguing, release remorse and desire for revenge, increase enlightenment, reclaim balance and be in high spirits.

Gemstone/Crystal: Azumar

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps heal the emotional body
Allows one to openly express their feelings
Helps support the third eye, enhancing psychic abilities
Brings refreshment, joy and rejuvenation to every cell in the body

Enhances personal evolution and consciousness
Helps relax the physical body
Supports the release of anger, fear, frustration and other lower emotions, replacing these with serenity, confidence and joy

Helps the spiritual body connect with the joyful flow of life
Supports changes in our evolving DNA
Helps individuals to feel and harmonize with planetary consciousness

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Stabilize, defuse anger, stress, anxiety, fear, and all negative emotions, strengthen connection to Source, naturally adjust to change, feel refreshed, improve clairvoyance, access Universal Knowledge, clarify things, look to the future, find connections needed to make a difference, keep a confident and positive perspective on the future.

Gemstone/Crystal: Black Obsidian

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Grounding stone.
Gaining insight into a problem.
Increase comprehension.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
With extraordinary ability, access Universal Knowledge to find insight into problems, comprehend the situations, protect yourself from harm and expand beyond perceived limitations.

Gemstone/Crystal: Black Onyx

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Feel more grounded.
Good for manifesting goals and intentions.
Helps one to change bad habits.
A great grounding stone.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Be in good health and in peace, have it all together, improve perspective, stop regretting and release guilt, be in touch with self and nature and grow.

Gemstone/Crystal: Black Opal

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
See self as Soul.
Great for helping one see the possibilities of how one can be all they can be.
Strengthens bones.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Find direction, clarify the situation, fix it, expand beyond perceived limitations, gain power, intensify efforts and enjoy yourself as you move safely and swiftly ahead.

Gemstone/Crystal: Black Tourmaline

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Purification rituals.
Deflects and repels negative energy.
Increases physical vitality.
Relieves stress.
Clears confusion.
Brings clarity.
Sense of purpose.

Black Tourmaline can give physical aid in treating: Dyslexia. Disorientation. Arthritis. Stress. Strengthens immune system. Stimulates and helps balance adrenal glands. Helps protect against radiation.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Dispel evil, bury grudges, stop being petty, tolerate, allow for peaceful resolution and eliminate remorse.

Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Aventurine

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps clear congestion.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Look to the future, dispel anger and resentment, end loneliness and be extraordinary.

Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Sapphire

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps satisfy dreams and desires.
Mental clarity.
Clear mental garbage.
Carrier of the blue ray.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Create beauty, increase comprehension, purify, release jealousy, embrace love, relax, be in peace and in good health, be in high spirits and generate money.

Gemstone/Crystal: Blue Tourmaline

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Psychic awareness
Opens Third-Eye Chakra

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Improve clairvoyance, recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love, connect to your Inner Being and increase psychic awareness.

Gemstone/Crystal: Butterscotch Beryl

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Create abundance
Wisdom to know what's best for difficult situations
Creator of Joy
Protection during spiritual work
Protection during travel

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Reconnect to your core being, get grounded, build your fortune, incorruptible, enduring rewards, center in joy, dispel negative and contrary energy, feel cherished and be safe.

Gemstone/Crystal: Cape Amethyst

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Inner alignment.
Balances the inner bodies (emotional, spiritual, etc.).
Provides more energy.
Good for arthritis.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Create balance, be unaffected by ridicule, be in high spirits, dispel anger, harmonize with love and acceptance, strengthen yourself and find direction.

Gemstone/Crystal: Carnelian

Carnelian, a vibrant stone tied to the Sacral Chakra, boosts energy, motivation, and creativity, its red-orange glow igniting action to start projects, overcome procrastination, and spark passion for hobbies. Historically used in Egyptian amulets and Roman seals for courage and eloquence, Carnelian, fueled by its fiery energy, enhances confidence, boosts social skills, dispels fatigue, supports reproductive vitality, and shields from negativity. It fosters emotional resilience and intuitive decision-making, empowering goal manifestation like career growth by clearing mental blocks with its dynamic force.

Switchphrase to enhance:
Promote progression of generosity, finish lots of meticulous work, be wise, clear inertia, protect self and property and turn setbacks into uplifts.

Additional Switchphrase to enhance:
Clear inertia, increase energy and pep, transform thought into action, step out of your comfort zone, spark creativity with a unique innovative flair, dispel anger and resentment, and give and receive joy.

Gemstone/Crystal: Cassiterite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
for balance, grounding and manifestation
helps bring Divine Light into your body from the source of all that is
aids in Shamanic journeying
aids in spiritual grounding
helps release energetic debris that is holding back your life's journey
helpful for those who have not dealt with deep and long-held childhood issues of rejection
has an excellent influence on the intellect
useful for problem solving, especially in the field of mathematics
protection physically from danger
helps keep one grounded during meditation
helps you to manifest your desires.
enables one to let go of ideas and ideals that are no longer serve you
helps heal old issues
helps you forgive anyone that may have caused you grief
helps imbue you with deep compassion for others
brings optimism
aids in removing energetic blockages
helps bring desires, dreams and hopes for the future into your reality.
helps release cellular memories to encourage deep healing at the soul level
may aid healing of issues relating to hormonal disturbances, including obesity

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Expand capacity to release guilt and blame, quiet the ego, give and receive complete acceptance, accept and reside within all that is, act on good impulse, be in peace, maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Gemstone/Crystal: Celestite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Brings inner peace, tranquillity, calm and focus to highest realms of heavenly light.
Brings spiritual expansion and soul harmony.
Links strongly to celestial guardians.
Blessed with sunny, harmonious, joyful disposition.
Helps you to see clearly connection to angelic realms and everyday constant angelic communication.
Nullifies ego-led desires, creates new mental pathways especially where creativity is blocked.
Those who wear it are charming, amusing and wonderful to be with.
Enhances communication skills and brings visions of humanity in harmony and world peace.
Emotionally soothes and calms.
Helps people who suffer inner conflict from absorbing other people’s emotional stress and discord.
Eases all nervous conditions.
Dissolves pains.
Eliminates toxins.
Eases fiery conditions.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase enlightenment, reduce tension, feel protected, harmonize well with others, stop being critical, be in high spirits and lighten your mood.

Gemstone/Crystal: Citrine

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Spinal alignment.
Citrine encourages the yellow ray to support the body.
Helps process energy work.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Help increase enlightenment, end pettiness, intensify intents and enjoy the task at hand.

Gemstone/Crystal: Coral

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional Foundation.
Coral protects and strengthens one's emotional foundation.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase self-love and self-worth, dispel evil and negative energy, dispel inferiority complex, generate, radiate, and experience love and acceptance.

Gemstone/Crystal: Danburite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Joyfully attunes to angelic realms.
Opens heart and crown chakras.
Promotes lucid dreaming.
Brings light, clarity, purity to aura which means it is a "cure-all".
Guidance, spiritual awakening, soul purification, revelation, inspiration, insightful dreams, helps when starting new projects.
Pave way for releasing past.
Clears toxins

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Be inspired, be in high spirits, enhance psychic awareness, purify and improve clairvoyance, increase focus, build character and become master of your world.

Gemstone/Crystal: Diamond

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Increase personal clarity.
Alignment with higher purpose.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Be at peace, look to the future, have courage, be in good health, master of your life and be strong.

Gemstone/Crystal: Emerald

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Domestic bliss.
Opens Solar Plexus Chakra.
Physical and emotional healing.
One of the strongest physical healing gemstones.
Emerald is the carrier of the green ray.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Become a master at harmonizing well with others, releasing tension, giving respect, breathing easier and being caring.

Gemstone/Crystal:Enhydro Quartz

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Assists in transformations
Inspires compassion
Opens Throat Chakra

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Release old pains and become empowered, create possibilities, transition to receiving generosity, showing compassion and understanding, and being peacefully accepting.

Gemstone/Crystal: Fluorite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps normalize and balance all areas of life
Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress
Purification, cleansing and stabilization of the aura
Removes negativity
Helps ground excessive mental, emotional and nervous energy
Increases concentration, self-confidence and helps in decision-making
Encourages positivity
Aids in channeling
Excellent for connecting with the Akashic records

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Clarify things, expand capacity to reduce nervousness, find direction, harmonize well with make confident decisions and being unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Gemstone/Crystal: Fresh Water Pearl

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enable one to accept love.
See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Return to neutrality, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance and become single-minded.

Gemstone/Crystal: Frosted Quartz

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Wonderfully soothing.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Be in peace and good health, be soothing and caring.

Gemstone/Crystal: Fulgurite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Focuses and grounds power of angelic prayer.
A catalyst for change, powerfully unlock third eye chakra used to explore other realities and dimensions.
Balances psychic forces.
Creates environment that is creative, allowing for manifestation through higher mind/mental states.
Increases Intuition.
Allows insight to formation of emotional turbulence.
Creates vortex of purified energy that raises users vibrational rate, thus power to improve all physical ailments.
Energizing, purifying & uplifting use when you want to make quantum leaps in healing any aspect of psyche.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Turn setbacks into uplifts, be in touch with your higher self, expand capacity to access Universal Knowledge, reconnect with Source, and unite with wellness.

Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.