Public Blue Iris Numbers:

Bring immediate solution 
(number pronounced "zero billion, four hundred fifty thousand, eight hundred eighty two") 
Blue Iris Number

Primordial Energy, balance and boost flow 
Primordial energy is the cause of all functions of the body and mind. Our activity has the dual role of matter and wave. We see due to light waves, and move due to momentum of the body. But this activity is triggered by the primordial energy. Every activity inside the body has this dual role of matter and wave. Primordial energy is the source of biofield, which is a new branch of science currently being pursued. So far, no such research work is being carried out on dark energy.

The primordial energy is considered as the vital force of life in different cultures. It is called Prana in India, Chi in China, Ki in Japan etc. 

The primordial energy in the human body has built the form of the body in such a way that the flow of primordial energy in the body is optimized nullifying the varying effect of gravity on different body parts and making us grow tall.

It is believed that negative mental patterns and energies, when left unchecked, can eventually result in physical disease or illness. The reversing of those negative mental patterns and energies into positive ones can in turn lead to actual physical healing. Boosting and balancing Primordial Energy may help reverse negative mental patterns and energies.
(pronounce number 'zero zero million eight') 
Blue Iris Number  

Himalayan Sea Salt 
Blue Iris Number  

Bringing miracles 
Blue Iris Number      

Clarify and align your energy with your intentions 
Blue Iris Number  

Aditi Mudra 

Mudra Formation: Place the tip of the thumb at the base of the ring finger. 

Mudra Effects: Aditi Mudra helps increase weight gain and muscle mass, and improve stamina.

Aditi Mudra helps stop sneezing and yawning.
Aditi Mudra helps remove poisons and toxins from the body. 

Mudras are positions of the body that have influence on our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality. Mudras not only contribute to one's overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well.

Mostly the hands and fingers are held in specific positions, but other body parts and/or the whole body may be part of the Mudra as well.

Though most Mudras can be formed with one hand, using both hands simultaneously has a more powerful effect. 

This number carries the energy of the Mudra performed with both hands simultaneously for the optimal period of time for the intended application. Generally, most Mudras are performed for a minimum of 15 minutes apiece. 
Blue Iris Number  

Vyana Mudra 

Mudra Formation: The tips of index and middle fingers are joined with the tip of the thumb.

Mudra Effects: Vyana Mudra helps regulate and balance blood pressure (either high or low), and improve functioning of the heart.

Vyana Mudra helps overcome lack of initiative, slowness of thought, and general debility. Vyana Mudra helps increase self-esteem, zeal and enthusiasm, improve perception and mental stability, bring freshness to the mind and liveliness to the body. 

Vyana Mudra helps clear drowsiness and excessive sleep. Vyana Mudra removes fatigue, laziness and dizziness.

Vyana Mudra improves heat tolerance, and helps avert sunstroke. Vyana Mudra helps one overcome excessive sweating, thirst, urination, diarrhea and menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding). 
Blue Iris Number  

Montezuma Well (sacred/holy water) (near Sedona, Arizona) 

Created as an accident of nature 11,000 years ago, Montezuma Well is a large sinkhole with a continuous flow of water seeping up through vents in the limestone. Over 1.5 million gallons flow out of the well daily. It's the water and the constant flow that define the sacredness of this place. Hopi and Zuni consider Montezuma Well as most sacred and used it as a birthing place for generations. Some people come to the well for healing and swear by the medicinal properties to be found by simply breathing the air. 

The actual source of the upward flow of water remains undiscovered. The Hopi have a saying, "The well is a gift from Mother Earth. So why do you care where it comes from?" 
Holy Water

Note from Kat: Generally one would use one Holy Water number at a time, though occasionally two or three may be used. 

Success Stories: After a few days of being too stressed, wrote this Number on Body and had a great sleep. 
Blue Iris Number  

CREATE a COZY space, allowing positive energy to FLOW and attracting positive energies. 
Blue Iris Number  

This is to Reset the programs in the body that promote optimal health. This Resets the body so that it can now see the problems, and may also auto-correct many of them for you. 
Blue Iris Number  

Owl Energy 
Owl helps improve clairvoyance and clairaudience (see the unseen, hear the unsaid), gives ability to see new perspectives and things not seen before. Owl is helpful for vision improvement. 
Blue Iris Number  

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica, Indian gooseberry, bhumi amla, chanca piedra, stonebreaker) 

Used for various disorders of the urinary tract including infections, pain and swelling (inflammation), kidney stones, and discharge from the urethra or vagina. It is also used for digestive tract disorders including gas, loss of appetite, stomachache, intestinal infections, constipation, and dysentery.

Some people use chanca piedra as a liver tonic and for liver problems including hepatitis B. Other uses include treating diabetes, gallstones, colic, flu, swine flu, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), abdominal tumors, pain around the rectum, fever, sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea, malaria, tumors, caterpillar stings, cough, fluid retention, itching, miscarriage, tremors, typhoid, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, thirst, tuberculosis, and dizziness, heart, circulation, eliminate fluid from legs. Ejection fraction percentage (heart pumping %) 70% optimum. 
Blue Iris Number  

Gate of Abundance, Unlock, Open and Sustain 

Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting 

Abundance is an overflowing supply and can be applied to anything in life - money, love, friends, business, food, spirituality, etc. 
Blue Iris Number  

Ho'oponopono Prayer 
Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian healing technique. The word Ho'oponopono means to make right, to rectify an error. Ho’oponopono, a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutations, is a petition to Love to void and replace toxic energies within oneself. The core of Ho’oponopono Essence is the person energetically saying, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

According to Ho’oponopono, the world is a reflection of what is happening inside you. When you experience upset or imbalance, look inside yourself, not outside yourself, for the cause of your problem. Every stress, imbalance or illness in your world can be corrected just by working on yourself. 
Blue Iris Number 

Traveler's Water Adaptation 
Helps one to adapt to the local water composition when traveling. 
Blue Iris Number  

Shock (acute stress reaction) 
Shock is a condition that can be in any organ or all organs 
Blue Iris Number  

Leprosy Miasm, release 

Leprosy Miasm may cause one to feel they are too dirty or disgusting to be wanted and so they feel they should be isolated or left in a corner somewhere to die, like an outcast to society. They may feel that if they don’t hide then they will be hunted down and oppressed or be poisoned so they will no longer offend society with their presence. They have an intense desire for change but there is a sense of doom and hopelessness that nothing will ever change or be fixed and so they feel they should just give up. They will avoid people and become withdrawn to keep from feeling this way and they can become suicidal from the despair; they can self-mutilate themselves by biting or cutting themselves. The despair they feel of never being accepted can lead to a loathing of life or extreme contempt for mankind and possible violence towards them; they can become homicidal and extremely violent towards man. They can have reprehensible behavior and become perverted and sadistic to themselves as well as others. Physically this despair can show as paralysis, gangrene and ulcers or a loss of control in their thoughts or bodily functions. 
Blue Iris Number  
RELEASE Unforgiving Core
The problem is not in the forgiving, but rather in the not forgiving that stops one from moving forward. 
Blue Iris Number  

I love and respect myself 
Blue Iris Number  

Orange juice 
Blue Iris Number  

Self-Healing, allow and begin 
Blue Iris Number  

Morgellons disease, eliminate 
Morgellons disease is a controversial, unexplained skin condition. The primary symptoms of Morgellons disease are multicolored fibers appearing under the skin or emerging from sores that are slow to heal. Because the fibers can be red, green, blue, white, or black, they may look like microscopic fibers from clothing.

People who have Morgellons disease report the following signs and symptoms:
Skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching
Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting

Fibers, threads or black stringy material in and on the skin
Difficulty concentrating

Short-term memory loss
Depressed mood 
Blue Iris Number  

Please note we also have a Vibrational Balancing Image FOR Morgellons: 

Hemkund Sahib (lake of ice cut in the snow) (holy lake)(holy water) 

Gurudwara Hemkunt in the Himalayas is regarded as one of the holiest places of the Sikhs. It was there that Sri Guru Gobind Singh the tenth and last Guru of the Sikhs is reported to have meditated in his previous life.

This 'lake of ice' is also sacred to the hill people who live in the valley below. They tell of the gods Lakshman, Hanuman, Shiva, and Vishnu, the tales of their deeds woven together with images from local landscapes. Long before the Sikhs knew the lake as the Guru's tap asthan, these people knew it as Lokpal, and made annual pilgrimages to its shore. For them, as for Sikhs, the journey continues to be an act of devotion, and the holy lake itself is a place for prayer and worship - a place where wishes can be fulfilled. 
Holy Water    

Note from Kat: Generally one would use one Holy Water number at a time, though occasionally two or three may be used. 
Blue Iris Number  

Acceptance of Life
This helps a person accept the facts that their life is what they make it and what they choose affects others and themselves. 
Blue Iris Number  

RELEASE Fear of Life
How many people have a fear of life, of enjoying life, and of making the most of life? 
Blue Iris Number  

Dharana Shakti Mudra 

Mudra Formation: Dharana Shakti Mudra has three steps, all done during inhalation of one breath. 

1) Join the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb and breathe in. 
2) Move the tip of the index finger to the middle (joint) of the thumb while continuing to inhale. 
3) Retain breath and move index finger to the base of the thumb, retaining breath longer.

Mudra Effects: Dharana Shakti Mudra increases oxygenation in the body, which helps purify the blood and strengthen the body, and may increase longevity.
Blue Iris Number  

Ganges River (holy water) 

For thousands of years the native population of India have used the water from the Ganges for healing. Gallon jugs of this water from the Ganges have been stored for over half a century at the University of Calcutta, and are still completely free of bacteria. 
Holy Water

Note from Kat: Generally one would use one Holy Water number at a time, though occasionally two or three may be used. 
Blue Iris Number  

Quell and mellow panic 
Blue Iris Number  

Increase feeling of worthiness 
Blue Iris Number  

Regulate blood glucose, antacid, reduce stroke potential, anti-depressant, lower high blood pressure, regulate blood glucose, brain energy, memory, reduce constipation, anemia and stomach ulcers. Bananas contain B6, B12, plus potassium and magnesium to help the body recover from the effect of nicotine withdrawal 
Blue Iris Number  

Make a deep connection to founders of human freedom. 
Reconnect energies restoring innate freedom to oneself and others, critical thinking (the rational, skeptical, and unbiased analysis or evaluation of factual evidence), and restoration and protection of liberty. 
Blue Iris Number  

Family Harmonization 
Harmonize energies within the family, opening communication, connection, bonding and loving relationships. 
Blue Iris Number  

Tree of Life 
The Tree of Life represents the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, the connection to one’s family and ancestors and one's own individuality and uniqueness. The Tree of Life is a symbol of strength and growth, rebirth immortality.

Trees evoke a sense of calm and peace, promote health and social well-being by removing air pollution, reducing stress, encouraging physical activities, and promoting social ties and community.

The Tree of Life serves as a reminder for the unique, calming feeling that one gets from trees. 
Blue Iris Number  

An explosive energy that breaks through strong roadblocks that obstruct the person's path to health and/or the life they wish to live. 
Blue Iris Number  

Allow easy cash flow 
Blue Iris Number  

Elderberries have been used for more than 2,500 years for fighting colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections.

Elderberry brings protection from disease and malevolent spirits, stability and forgiveness, wisdom and compassion, and is a teacher. 
Blue Iris Number  

Grief relief 
Blue Iris Number 

Bounce it back 
Transfers emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are not authentic to the person back to the originating sources. 
Blue Iris Number  

Gate of Kindness, Open 

Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting 

Opening the Gate of Kindness opens one to friendliness, generosity, consideration, affection, gentleness, warmth, concern and caring about others. Kindness often requires courage and strength, and opening the Gate of Kindness helps give one the strength to walk forward maintaining comfortable caring, friendly relationships, including the relationship with oneself. 
Blue Iris Number  
I am successful at winning 
Blue Iris Number  

BRING Good Luck 
Blue Iris Number  

Anything and everything is possible. 

What if "impossible" is transmuted to "I'm possible"? 
Blue Iris Number      

Sacred Geometry Energy, align with 

Sacred Geometry has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work therein. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry; for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of Sacred Geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms.

Sacred Geometry gives insight into the beauty of this world, opening inspired creativity. 
Blue Iris Number 

Reconnect to your own God Spark 
We all have a spark, a connection, to our Creator within us. This number is about reconnecting to it. 
Blue Iris Number  

Blue Iris Number  

CLEAR communication lines WITH Source 
Helps in clearing and opening communication lines WITH Source, opening you to listening, hearing and understanding more completely communication coming from Source. 
Blue Iris Number  

God Gene, maintain, restore and/or adjust and balance 

The God Gene hypothesis proposes that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences.

It has been hypothesized that self-transcendence might provide an evolutionary advantage by providing human beings with an innate sense of optimism that gives people the will to keep on living and procreating, despite the inevitability of death, and promoting better health and recovery from diseases.

Religious believers can point to the existence of God genes as one more sign of the creator's ingenuity—a clever way to help humans acknowledge and embrace a divine presence. 
Blue Iris Number  

Bring, experience and give unconditional love 
Blue Iris Number  

Fenbendazole (some brand names include Panacur C, Pro-Sense, Purina Safe-Guard) is a dewormer used by veterinarians, used for parasitic worms in animals. 
Fenbendazole may also be useful in treating (human) cancers. 

Note from someone using Fenbendazole...saving my husband's life with it as we speak. Seems to stop cancer dead in its tracks. He was literally days away from dying when I heard about it from one of my friends. Truly miraculous. 

Blue Iris Number  

Gate of Hope, Open 

Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting 

When the Gate of Hope is closed, one will be unable to lift one's eyes toward the future with optimism. When the Gate of Hope opens, resignation and depression fall away. Opening the Gate of Hope helps clear distention and pain of the middle torso, hiccups, and reflux.
When one has been feeling utterly hopeless, frustrated or stuck in cynicism and negativity, opening the Gate of Hope as an antidote to giving up, bringing a powerful surge of hope with new perspectives when one has been stuck in a narrow-minded outlook. 
Blue Iris Number  

Increase Self-Love/Self-Worth
The bottom line cause of most physical, mental and emotional illness is a lack of self-love and self-worth. 
Blue Iris Number  

Two-point energy circuit, Optimize 
Helps reset the body's circadian clock to local time, wherever you are, helping clear jetlag and other timing issues. 
Blue Iris Number  

Connect with and utilize Kat Miller's healing energy and attitudes. 
Blue Iris Number  

Success Stories: Because of ur KATTITUDES number i recovered frm omicron in one day. Thank you so much 


Check out Kat's Channels
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Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.